Heroes Foundation Co-Founder Vince Todd, Jr. to Step Down From Board Chair Role After Leading Organization for 24 Years

To my esteemed colleagues, dedicated volunteers, and the remarkable community that is the heart of the Heroes Foundation,

Today, I announce my decision to step down as Chairman of the Board, effective June 30th, 2024, a role I have had the privilege and honor to serve in for nearly a quarter of a century. My tenure as Chairman has been a profoundly rewarding chapter in my life, witnessing first-hand the power of collective action as we have turned compassion into tangible support for those affected by cancer.

In reflection, the 24 years since our inception have been a period of extraordinary growth and impact. Together, we have defied the considerable challenges both non-profits and businesses face in their infancy—often charting our course without a precedent to guide us. What the Heroes Foundation has achieved since 2001 surpasses the dreams we dared to dream back then. And yet, as much as we have accomplished, we are acutely aware that our work is far from complete. Cancer remains a harsh reality in Indiana and beyond, a challenge that neither relents nor falters.

In the spirit of progress and with a vision for the future, it is essential for fresh leadership to shepherd the Foundation through its next phase. Ensuring the legacy we have built endures requires a seamless transition to a new Chairperson—one whose passion for our mission matches the immeasurable dedication of those who have been part of our story. As part of our transition plan, conversations have begun with successor candidates. We will announce the new Chairperson of the Board of the Heroes Foundation in June.

I offer my deepest gratitude for the trust you have placed in me, for the opportunity to lead, and for the unending inspiration I have drawn from each of you. The accomplishments we celebrate are not mine but OURS—a testament to what unity in purpose can achieve.

While I am stepping down from my current role, the Foundation’s mission remains close to my heart. As such, I will assist and support the incoming Chairperson, continue to serve as a member of the Board, expedite a smooth transition, and remain an ardent advocate for our cause. We stand on the cusp of a renewed thrust towards our goal: to provide meaningful support to cancer patients, education to promote cancer prevention, and resources to advance research for a cure.

Together, we shall continue to make a difference for the Indiana cancer community.

Thank you, and fight on,
